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O'Captain!My Captain,Class 11th by Aditya Singh

O'Captain!My Captain


This stanza has been selected from the poem “0 Captain! My Captain!” composed by “Walt Whitman”.


In this elegiac stanza the poet expresses his sorrow over the death of Abraham Lincoln the sixteenth President of America. Lincoln wanted to liberate Negro-slaves. Civil war broke out and he got the victory. He was shot dead by a terrorist.

Explanation/Central Idea : 

The poet compares America as a ship, Lincoln a Captain of that ship and
Civil War of 1861-1865 as a voyage. He did a commendable job by abolishing slavery and setting up democracy for all. Although he faced so many problems, he succeeded in getting his aim. At this the people are rejoicing. They are ready to give him a warm welcome with bouquets, garlands of flowers. The bugle is being sounded for him. But Lincoln is shot dead by a terrorist. He asks him to get up and see the people rejoicing. ‘ When he does not answer, he doubts that Lincoln is dead. He asks other people to rejoice because aim was achieved. But the poet himself prefers mourning to rejoicing.

Education of Nature 


This fine piece of poetry has been taken from the poem “Education of Nature” Composed by “William Wordsworth” a poet of Nature.


Lucy is a beautiful girl of poet’s imagination. The poet personifies Nature as the best teacher. He says that nature will bring her up. She will learn many valuable lessons from cloud, willow and stars. Nature will inspire to do good things and prevent her from doing bad things.

Explanation/Central Idea : 

The poet says that Lucy will get education from Nature. Nature will teach her selfdiscipline and freedom. She will be as active as fawn. He will learn calm and silence from inanimate things. She will learn to move in graceful manner from clouds. Willow tree will teach her modesty. She will love stars and beauty of cascade. This beauty will add charm to her face. But it is irony that Lucy dies in the end. The poet is sad over her death. He is always lost in the memory of Lucy. The main point is that the Nature is best teacher for us and we can learn something or other from every object of Nature.

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