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Aditya Classes Light of Asia Class 11th Long Question

Aditya Classes
Light of Asia
Class 11th
Long Question

Q4-: What were the seven visions seen by prince Siddhartha in his dream? 


On seeing the miseries of society prince Siddhartha neither slept soundly nor look comfort in the night. King suddhodhana saw seven horrible vision in his dream. They were as following


In his first vision of his dream shuddhodana saw a flag. In the middle of the flag there was a golden mark of Indra, suddenly a gust of wind came from the right direction tore the flag.


In the second vision on his dream king shuddhodhana saw ten elephant. They were rude and the prince Siddhartha was sitting on the most elephant. Those elephant were coming from the southern way.


A car driven by four horses of white colors was the third vision of the dream seen by king suddhodhana. In the middle of the chariot prince shiddhartha was sitting. White smoke was coming out from the nostrils of these horses and foam like fire was coming out from their mouth. This was the third vision of the dream seen by king shuddhodhana.


A wheel was the fourth vision of the dream of the king shuddhodhana. The center of the wheel was made of gold. The wheel was rotating very fast. At the time of rotating the wheel was producing light and sound from its nucleus this was the fourth vision of king shuddhodhana.


In the fifth vision of the dream, king shuddhodhana saw a huge drum which was kept in between the hill and city. Having an iron rod in his hand prince Siddhartha was beating the drum bitterly. A thunder voice of the drum. This was the fourth vision of the dream of king shuddhodhana.


In the sixth vision of the dream of king shuddhodhana saw a tall tower, prince Siddhartha was standing top of the tall tower. Prince shiddhartha was throwing precious jewels and thing in all the direction. In all the direction, people fall over the city were picking precious jewels and thing thrown by the prince Siddhartha.


In the seven vision of his dream king shuddhodhana saw six men. These six men were weeping bitterly. This was the seven vision of king shuddhodhana’s dream.

Thus in the brief these were the seven vision seen by king Shuddhodhana

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