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The Enchanted Pool Class 10th Short Questions ,by Aditya Singh

The Enchanted Pool 
Class 10th
Short Questions 

Q1-Whom did the pool belong to ? 

Ans.The pool,where the brothers of Yudhishthra quenched their thirst,belonged to the Yaksha.

Q2-: What according to Yudhishthra is the greatest wonder in the world ?

Ans- Everyday men see creatures depart to Yama and yet those who remain want to live forever is the greatest  wonder in the world.

Q3: How,according to Yudhishthra,can a man become happy and rich?

Ans- According to Yudhishthra,A man can become rich if he gives up desire.

Q4: Why did  Yudhishthra prefer Nakula to other brothers ? 

Ans-Nakula was the son of Madri.She was completely bereaved .He prefers Nakula in order that the scales of justice might be even.

Q5-: Who in reality was the Yaksha and why did he come? 

Ans: ln reality,The Yaksha was Yama who wanted to see and test Yudhishthra.So he came

Q6-: What happened to all brothers of Yudhishthra ? 

Ans-: All the brothers of Yudhishthra went to the pool and drank the water of the pool without giving the answers of Yaksha.So Yaksha cursed them and all of them were lying there like dead bodies.

Q7: What questions did Yaksha ask? 

Ans-: The questions were :

What is one‘s best weapon in danger ?

What is faster than wind ?

By giving up what does one become loved by all ?

The loss of what can bring one joy and not sorrow ? and so on...

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