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The ant and the Grasshopper,Class 11th by Aditya Singh

The ant and the Grasshopper

Q1. What lesson does one learn from the fable, ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper .

Ans. From the fable, ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper‘ one learns that work is worship and lazmess is punished in the fable it is pointed out that the grasshopper did not work in summer. So he suffered in winters. The ant worked In summer. So it was comfortable In winter. Generally we see that he who works is
rewarded and he who is lazy, Is punished.

02. How did Tom blackmail his brother George ?

Ans .Tom started blackmailing his brother George on one protest or others Examples are given below

Examples (1) Once Tom extorted a couple of hundred pounds not to Work In a bar or to dive a tax:i outside the club of his brother. (2) George paid five hundred pounds to Crownshaw not to go to court for his illegal action.

Q3. What news did George Ramsay give to the writer about his brother Tom Ramsay ?

Ans. George told the writer that his brother became engaged to a woman old enough to be his mother a few
weeks before and after her death he had got half a million pounds, a yacht, a hosue In London and house In the country.

Q4. ‘People knew that Tom was a worthless fellow.’ Why did they like him then ?

Ans. People liked Tom Ramsay despite the fact that they knew he was a worthless fellow. The reason was
that he had a charming personality and his company was worth enjoying. Anyone who came in his contact was attracted towards him.

05. Why did the people  like Tom ?

Ans. People liked ‘Tom Ramsay despite the fact that they knew he was a worthless fellow. The reason was that he had a charming personality and his company was worth enjoying. Anyone who came in his contact
was attracted towards him.

Q6. Why did George Ramsay dislike his brother ?

Ans .George Ramsay disliked his brother Tom because he was a worthless fellow, hated to work and spent
money got from him on luxuries. Tom never cared tor future and believed in enjoying life on borrowed money.

Q7. What lesson does one learn from the fable, ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper ?

Ans. From the fable, ‘ The Ant and the Grasshopper’ one learns that work is worship and laziness is punished. In the fable it is pointed out that the grasshopper did not work in summer. So he suffered in winters The ant worked in summer. So it was comfortable in winter. Generally we see that he who works is
rewarded and he who is lazy, is punished.

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