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Gandhi ji and a coffee Drinker Class 9th Short Questions by Aditya Singh

Gandhi ji and a coffee Drinker 
Class 9th
Short Questions

Q1-: Why did Gandhiji prepare the coffee himself?

Ans-: Gandhiji prepared the coffee himself because it was untimely hour. Baa was taking rest So Gandhiji did not want to trouble anybody.

Q2-: How did Gandhiji pick up nursing?

Ansn: Gandhiji did not pass nursing through a nursing school When nursing became necessary to him,he learnt it the way of experience.

Q3-: What did Gandhiji do when the sick lad ask for a cup of coffee in the Ashram?

Ans»: When the boy asked for a cup of coffee to Gandhiji,he laughed loudly saying what you want and he promised to fulfill the desire of the lad by making and providing himself the coffee and the toast.

Q4-Gandhiii was a first class nurse to the sickDescribe it.

Ans-: Gandhiji was a first class nurse to the sick because he visited them regularly.He himself saw the things carefully and cracked a joke or two with the patients.

05-: Why did Gandhiji visit the sick everyday?

Ans-: Gandhiji was very sincere and sympathetic to the sick.He considered it his duty.Therefore He visited the sick everyday.

06-:Where was Gandhiji‘s cottage?

Ans-: Gandhiji‘s cottage was at the other end of Ashram,a good way across the road.

Q7-:How did Gandhiji take care of the sick in the Ashram?

Ans-: Gandhiji took care of the sick in the Ashram personally.All the sick persons came directly under his eye and care.He visited the sick everyday.

Q8-: What was the common joke among the young people?

Ans-: It was the common joke among the young people that if you want to see Gandhiii and talk to him and hear his crack jokes,You had to be ill.

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